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March 4 2024, David R Brown

Chemlink Specialities and Addi-Tec become HARKE UK

The HARKE GROUP, a chemicals and ingredients disributor active across Europe and Asia, have announced that from the 1 February 2024, their UK entities, Chemlink Specialities Ltd and Addi-Tec Ltd, have merged and rebranded to become HARKE UK Limited Partnership. Under the new HARKE UK brand, both companies will maintain their individual business units while expanding into new sectors.

This move will unite our team, open up the company to new divisions, and enhance the presence of HARKE GROUP

Thorsten Harke

Thorsten Harke, President HARKE GROUP: “This move will unite our team, open up the company to new divisions, and enhance the presence of HARKE GROUP within the UK, Ireland and across Europe.”

Jack Minister, Director HARKE UK LP: “HARKE UK will allow us to better position ourselves in the market through enhancing and expanding our product offerings, technical ability, market presence and contributions in alignment with our parent company the HARKE GROUP.”

HARKE UK will comprise of six business units: HARKE Chemlink - covering personal care and HI&I; HARKE Addi-Tec - covering coatings, plastics and polymer ingredients and additives; HARKE Pharma - covering pharmaceuticals; HARKE Nutra - covering nutraceuticals; HARKE Food - covering food ingredients and HARKE Basechem - covering base chemicals and agrochemicals. Within each of these business units, HARKE will offer distribution, formulation, reformulation, regulatory advice, micro testing, product sourcing, customer service and marketing support to our principals. To our customers, the company will be offering technical and service advantages at competitive prices. This strategic move aims to fulfill the diverse needs of customers throughout the UK, Ireland and across Europe by expanding the range of products and services offered.

HARKE GROUP is a powerful life science, chemicals and plastics distributor with a strong footprint in Europe and Asia. For more than 50 years we are ConnectingWorldMarkets on 4 continents, in more than 50 countries, for more than 30 industries through our skilled technical sales, formulation and logistics experts in 16 subsidiaries. HARKE GROUP has a proven track record of successfully covering sales and procurement markets all over the world and in numerous industries. Active in 8 divisions and 25 business units, supported by 15 service functions, with 3 laboratories, 2 contract packing sites and more than 40.000 deliveries per year, HARKE is competent partner, covering the full value chain from R&D, raw materials, up to contract manufacturing of finished products, this way offering customers the advantage of: #OnePartnerOneResponsibility.

Source(s): Harke Group Press Release

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